The Name

You may ask where exactly the name came from; it’s rather ambiguous. I’ll try to be concise.

So many times (before I gave up any and all forms of shorthand and 1337) have I answered the hail of a friend’s ‘sup?’ with a short ‘nm, hw. u?’ I needed a name for a blog- one that would be anonymous, slightly catchy, and have a smidge of relevance, too… I felt that this simple statement of ‘I’m not up to much, just homework. How about you?’ best captured the student experience – passive, hard at work, and always ready to converse.

And there you have it.

2 Responses to “The Name”

  1. ebeth who is too lazy to sign in 31/05/2008 at 15:12 #

    hahaha, i can definitely relate πŸ˜€

  2. kricket 01/06/2008 at 00:03 #

    Ich liebe. πŸ™‚ Definitely relates. Though my answer also includes marching band… at least during the fall season. hehe.

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